Wednesday, September 22, 2010


My husband is a genius. I'm loving our new front door. Now we need to change the sidelites, perhaps get a storm door before it gets stormy, apply trim, decide on a door color, paint the house...blah, blah, blah. But hey, this is a start!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What i'm wearing this fall...

Maybe I should say "what i'm buying this fall." I've purchased a few things that I haven't been able to wear simply because it's been too warm. But here's what i've got sitting in my closet so far:

Old Navy

Old Navy





Old Navy

Old Navy




Yep, this is from Target too...

My cute target bag that I bought as a diaper bag-turned-purse three years ago has handles that are ripping. They are literally hanging on by threads. I'm ashamed to even be carrying it around it's in such bad shape. So this is what i'm going with. I'm thinking i'll also do something in either silver or a darker gray. I plan on having a plum or peacock wool coat (time for something besides black) and think the orange will work with either one. Maybe this one:

J Crew

So what are you wearing this fall?

Monday, September 13, 2010


I can safely say that that was one hell of a summer! From getting our house ready to sell, to buying the new one, starting renovations on it, getting over the emotional roller coaster of moving and saying goodbye to our old was a crazy 3 months! Make that 4 months! Baby Kara arrived in June (see my previous post) and she's one beautiful girl. Our house is coming along and we're so busy that it may be a while before I post anything about the remodel (which I had hoped to do as we were in the process). Suffice it to say that we've ripped out floors, painted 12 foot ceilings, fixed a leaking chimney, measured for doors, measured for blinds, installed carpet, measured for kitchen islands, painted, painted, and painted some more. Soon, very soon, I will start on the new blog. Then i'll have to rely on the dates on the photos to know when we did what. Over the short summer I lost my focus on exercising and eating right. I keep telling myself that it's okay, I had an excuse. But you know what? I HATE excuses! So no more of those, I am doing Weight Watchers again. This is how I lost 22 pounds 10 years ago. Now i've had two kids and sit on my rear for work a LOT. My goal this time is to lose 21.9 pounds. I'd like to do it by Thanksgiving, we'll see what happens! Just for fun here's some pics of the boys (and Max's friend Jaidyn) at the fair in July:

One final note, it's September and we've got a Thunderstorm Warning here and a Tornado Watch north of us. What's up with that?