Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Quit your whining...

(photo from Huffingtonpost.com)

I was shopping yesterday for these little "relief kits" we're putting together for my son's school. Handtowel, washcloth, 6 bandaids, a bar of soap, an adult toothbrush, a comb and nail clippers. Nail clippers...yesterday, the bane of my existence! No store in our little town of 12,000 seemingly had any. Five different stores AND it was 20 degrees outside AND I couldn't find any gloves or mittens AND what on earth was I complaining about? That I couldn't find nail clippers? That I had to get in my CAR and drive down a STREET with potholes in it and be COLD while wearing my coat and cozy shoes? At one point I thought, "Who am I to complain about this? People don't have homes, their friends and family are dying all around them, they are missing loved ones." I decided i'd go to 100 stores if I had to and shut my mouth and not complain. But as luck would have it, in that 6th store, there was a whole bin of 50 cent nail clippers. And while I was watching my 5 year old organize and build his kits, my heart was warm as the sun, knowing that somewhere along the way he learned compassion and love, for strangers he's never met. We're doing something right.

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